Photo Journalism Photography - 1st World Masters of Photography Award 2022
WMPO TROPHY GOLD - 1. Platz: Yevhen Samuchenko / Ukraine / Mowgli from Urban jungle
Yevhen Samuchenko / Ukraine / Mowgli from Urban jungle
WMPO SILVER - 2. Platz: Ilaria Miani / Italy / The Gentleman
WMPO BRONCE - 3. Platz: Giacomo Sini Giacomo Sini / Italy / YBS (Sinjar Resistance Units) fighter's relax
© Giacomo Sini Giacomo Sini / Italy / YBS (Sinjar Resistance Units) fighter's relax
A young Yzidi YBŞ (Shingal Resistance Units) fighter relaxes in front of his watching position on Shingali's southwestern frontline against ISIS, during a moment of calm from the fights in April 2017. Shingal, Iraq. This mitia-man was one of the fighters who saved the life of thousands of Yazidis during the siege of the Jihadists on Shingal region between 2014 and 2015. On 2014, YBŞ with YPG (People's Defence Units) and PKK (Kurdistan Worker's Party) opened a line through the enemy lines in order to make flee them safely within Rojava territory led by Kurdish Forces.
The Honorable Mentions Gallery:
The Honorable Mentions Gallery - Best 20 - The List of Honorable Mentions - See the List of accepted Works below
De Bettio Mauro Italy NILIMA’S CHALLENGE
Hametter Peter Austria Ohne Titel
Karamazov Vladimir Bulgaria Purification of the souls
Letchmanan Ramesh Singapore Bull Mud Racing
MIANI ILARIA Italy The Gentleman
MIANI ILARIA Italy Family Interior
Munteanu Viorel Austria Trost
Munteanu Viorel Austria Befehlsausgabe
Sachov Alexej Ukraine UFO
Sachov Alexej Ukraine BIG LUCK
Sachov Alexej Ukraine Eye contact
Samuchenko Yevhen Ukraine Mowgli from Urban jungle
Samuchenko Yevhen Ukraine Catcher
Samuchenko Yevhen Ukraine Blue train
Shilov Alexander Russia Outskirts
Shilov Alexander Russia First graders
Sini Giacomo Italy YBS (Sinjar Resistance Units) fighter's relax
Wörmann Anjuscha Germany
Anjuscha Wörmann / Germany
Hier ist sie die Shortlist der angenommenen Werke der Sparte Foto Journalismus des 1. World Masters of Photography Award 2022.
Aus diesen Werken werden die Bronze und Silber Medaille und die WMPO Trophy von der Jury vergeben.
Here is the shortlist of the accepted works of the Photo Journalism category of the 1st World Masters of Photography Award 2022.
From these works the Bronze and Silver Medal and the WMPO Trophy will be awarded by the jury.
De Bettio Mauro Italy NILIMA’S CHALLENGE
De Bettio Mauro Italy LIFE IN BALANCE
De Bettio Mauro Italy ARISE
De Bruyne Gunther Belgium
De Bruyne Gunther Belgium
De Bruyne Gunther Belgium
Halwax Eric Austria The result of Covid19
Hametter Peter Austria Ohne Titel
Hametter Peter Austria Die Zigarettenpause
Karamazov Vladimir Bulgaria Purification of the souls
Karamazov Vladimir Bulgaria Deep in the jungle
Karamazov Vladimir Bulgaria Life without a home
Karamazov Vladimir Bulgaria In the corner of life
Lehane Jack Ireland Building is Knowing
Lehane Jack Ireland Dimensions of Participaiton
Lehane Jack Ireland Lines of Sight
Lehane Jack Ireland Participation at the Intersection
Letchmanan Ramesh Singapore Bull Mud Racing
Loacker Jeannette Austria Demo Wien
MIANI ILARIA Italy The Gentleman
MIANI ILARIA Italy Family Interior
Munteanu Viorel Austria Trost
Munteanu Viorel Austria Befehlsausgabe
Munteanu Viorel Austria Shake hands
Munteanu Viorel Austria Kubanische Volksschule
Pesatova Petra Austria Nageldesignerin-Ausbildung
Pesatova Petra Austria Tontaubenschießen
Sachov Alexej Ukraine UFO
Sachov Alexej Ukraine BIG LUCK
Sachov Alexej Ukraine Eye contact
Samuchenko Yevhen Ukraine Mowgli from Urban jungle
Samuchenko Yevhen Ukraine Catcher
Samuchenko Yevhen Ukraine Blue train
Samuchenko Yevhen Ukraine Dialogue
Schönlaub Stephan Austria Bunte Socken rocken - Kampagne zum Welt-Down-Syndrom-Tag
Schönlaub Stephan Austria Corona-Impfstraße Stephansdom
Schönlaub Stephan Austria Influencer im Ordenskleid
Shilov Alexander Russia Outskirts
Shilov Alexander Russia First graders
Shilov Alexander Russia Outskirts
Shilov Alexander Russia Outskirts
Sini Giacomo Italy YBS (Sinjar Resistance Units) fighter's relax
Sini Giacomo Italy A Woman celebrating Newroz
Sini Giacomo Italy Kobane, Rojava - Northeastern Syria
Sini Giacomo Italy Back home
Skale Vinko Slovenia Abandom 4
Spadafora Michele Italy Ramadan (Hassan II Mosque, Jordan) #1
Vega Eduardo Chile Those Never Found During the Pinochet Regime in Chile
Vega Eduardo Chile We Won't Pay Higher Metro Rates
Wörmann Anjuscha Germany
Award Ceremony of the 1. World Masters of Photography Award on 2022 July 3rd in Vienna
Siegerehrung und Screening der der Honorable Mentions und Sieger des 1. WMPO World Masters of Photography Awards 2022. Register now. All Winners will be informed!
Giacomo Sini / Italy
A young Yzidi YBŞ (Shingal Resistance Units) fighter relaxes in front of his watching position on Shingali's southwestern frontline against ISIS, during a moment of calm from the fights in April 2017. Shingal, Iraq. This mitia-man was one of the fight